Saturday, October 10, 2009

nubile.hairless: ß Is ISLAM the RELIGION of WOMAN HATE? See the film "SUBMISSION" and decide for yourself...See the film, SUBMISSION, directed Theo Van Gogh and decide for yourself..

rebuttal:first of all hirshi ali was exposed,thats not even her real name.the filmakers family is all dutch secret service.the lady who wrote the script was exposed and beinga shill for rigthwing conservative think tanks in us for whom she now works.

In May 2006, the television program Zembla reported that Hirsi Ali had given false information about her real name,

her age and the country she arrived from when originally applying for asylum. The program also presented evidence that she was untruthful about the main reason for her asylum application being forced marriage.

On May 15, 2006, after the broadcast of the Zembla documentary, news stories erupted saying that Hirsi Ali was likely to move to the United States in September, and was expected to write a book entitled Shortcut to Enlightenment and work for a conservative think tank, the American Enterprise Institute.

Christopher DeMuth, President of the AEI, confirmed that this controversy would not affect the appointment. On May 16, he stated that he was still looking forward to "welcoming her to AEI, and to America." United States Deputy Secretary of State Robert Zoellick later stated that "we recognise that she is a very courageous and impressive woman and she is welcome in the US."

irsi Ali subsequently took up a position at the American Enterprise Institute,[51] published her autobiography, Infidel, and is currently working on another book, Shortcut to Enlightenment, a philosophical fantasy about a visit by Muhammad to the New York Public Library, in which he examines the ideas of various Enlightenment philosophers, compares them to the state of Islam today, and then comes to a number of important conclusions.[52] Since her arrival in Washington, D.C., her security had to be upgraded once again.[53] On September 25, 2007, she received her green card.

Ayaan Hirsi Ali's Lies Exposed Part

Fascist Exposed - Ayaan Hirsi Ali Stephen Sackur exposes Ayaan Hirsi Ali's fascist thinking in this episode of

palomamia97: Theo van Gogh was murdered by a muslim... and im sure he was a mossad agent

rebuttal:no evidence he was mossad,i dare her show me one exmaple.i have reserached it and theres nothing that would elad anyoen to believe he was mossad,infact investigatiosn where done,and he was merely a muslim who turned radical after 9-11 angry at the war waged against islama nd muslims,because of us mossad orchestrated attacks on 9-11.ithe oens who qualify as mossad are the man he killed,who pushed a fake story by hirshi ali whos got ties to zellickow and american enterprise institute,(people who actually had a hand and knowledge about  us-israeli 9-11 attack)hethe filmaker himself pushes a phoney film that was a fabrication of hirshis,and also,theos the filmakers own family consisted of dutch secret agents!!!

Theo van Gogh was born in The Hague. His great-grandfather was art dealer Theo van Gogh, brother of Vincent van Gogh. His father, Johan van Gogh, was a member of the Dutch secret service ('AIVD', then called 'BVD'). Theo's uncle, also named Theo, was executed as a resistance fighter during the German occupationVan Gogh had a strongly nihilistic outlook on life, as displayed by episodes of heavy drinking, his open use of cocaine and a cynical view of relationships..

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